Anticipated Projects

Areas that will be receiving some attention
Repair/Upgrade Comment
Engine Access Have notched out a section of the Starboard Quarter Berth to all better access to rear of engine and shaft Packing.  Notched section was cut at angles that allows the 'notch' to be dropped back in, or removed as needed.


    Now and full, and quick access to engine transmission, filters and Shaft Packing
Pilot Station Don't really need to sleep 6, and it appears that the Starboard berth area could be readily converted to a pilot Station with minimal effort.  There will be more to come on this....will need to leave the berthing area open, for (quick) removable storage, since this provides best access to rear of engine and shaft packing.


Photo of original Starboard berth area
Cabin Sole This will require some work and an uncertain level of repair.  The sole is fairly thick with a top layer of teak & holly.  There is a soft spot just in front of the middle of the galley.  Remainder of the floor appears strong.  When the engine compartment is closed, and bilge access plate is down, there is minimal ventilation thru the bilge.  Anticipate changing this by adding one or two small teak floor grates to do this job.  In order to decide on the best solution for the the Cabin Sole, will need to map out/dimension the keel cavity under the floor.  The front of the bilge starts around 2 inches aft of the Mast compression post, and fairs out to only around 17 inches at the top.

Comments Continued: After drying the floor with heat, used a very thin epoxy (similar to Git Rot), applied with the syringes you can buy from West Systems, which was absorbed into the wood. The 'sawdust' was saved from the saw cut and mixed with the last application of the epoxy to 'close the gap'.  Some minor black paint touchup was used on the holly to mask the 'surgery'.

Used a small 'Dremel' saw attachment to put slices in the holly of the teak/holly sole.  



Floor was finished with 'The Ultimate Sole' Polyurethane finish 

Mast Step Fall '07.  Noted the mast has started to settle slightly into the cabin top.  Removed Mast Step, routed an area out approx 2 inches around the step. Removed the fiberglass top layer, chipped out the punky balsa core. Morgan had used approx 2 in. square pieces of balsa for the core, so that, when laid in with epoxy, limited the wicking of water in the cabin top. There were only a few squares around the mast step that need to be replaced.
Replaced with new 2in square pieces, set with West Epoxy, and replaced the routed cabin tip. Good for another 20 years.
Leaks Most of the leaking that has affected the Cabin Sole came from the rub rails.  Have for the near term silicone caulked the 'cracks'.  Rub rails are in decent enough condition to warrant digging out the old caulking/silcone and re-doing.  For the tiny cracks, used a WEST Epoxy systems syringe with black Silcone RTV.  This is the recommend sealant from Morgan for the Neoprene Rub Rails.
'Rig for Red' On my last boat all the cabin lights had both white and red lighting - red lighting throughout.  I enjoy night and evening sailing....and will be doing something here.  Most likely LED based.  I would still like to retain the original Morgan lights - think they have some character !!